Festival History: 2017

"More than just topical: the Crossing Europe Film Festival in the beautiful city of Linz once again proves its instinct for acute topics in the greater region of Europe and devotes this year’s Spotlight program to the Turkish auteur filmmaker Yeşim Ustaoğlu."
epd film // Alexandra Seitz

1,000 visitors more than last year were counted – an increase that was especially noticeable directly in the cinemas at the film screenings. Almost five days of rain and the public holiday today certainly contributed to the positive development of the festival’s popularity with the audience from the first day on. In addition to the film screenings, though, the exhibitions, talks, performances, and the music nightline were also very well attended at CROSSING EUROPE.

A total of 160 selected feature films and documentaries (all of 107 of them premieres) from 43 different countries were presented in the cinemas that were largely sold out, while around 700 branch guests from Austria and abroad – including about 130 film guests – were counted. It is especially gratifying that the aforementioned “invitation” was also accepted by numerous established European directors, whose impressive works artistically treat the current state of Europe – to name only a few representatives, these included the opening film guests Lucas Belvaux (CHEZ NOUS) and Vitaly Mansky (RODNYE), this year’s Tribute guests Anka and Wilhelm Sasnal from Poland, and the Turkish Spotlight director Yeşim Ustaoğlu, whose films met with great response.

Audience number: 23.000
Films: 160
World Premiere: 24
Countries of origin: 43
Filmgäste: 130
Award winners 2017: HERE
Jury 2017: HERE
Film archive 2017: HERE
Tribute 2017: HERE
Spotlight 2017: HERE

// 2016                                                   2018 //

Crossing Europe 2017 Sujet
Crossing Europe 2017 Sujet