

A film about the private spaces in which women talk to each other about sexual violence happening in everyday life, about the kind of offenses that every woman has experienced several times in her life.

Director's Biography
Marie Luise Lehner: Marie Luise Lehner (*1995) lives and works in Vienna and Linz. An author and filmmaker, one of her latest works is the short "Geh Vau” (2018; CE'19).
Crossing Europe Extracts 2020
Marie Luise Lehner
Austria 2020
20 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Marie Luise Lehner
Cinematography Marie Luise Lehner
Editing Marie Luise Lehner
Music Dives, Schapka, Velvet
Producer(s) Marie Luise Lehner
Marie Luise Lehner
World Sales
World Premiere
Austrian Rights
World Premiere