Brace for Impact

Brace for impact! Bereitmachen für den Aufprall! Die Kommandos der FlugbegleiterInnen sind eindringlich und unmissverständlich. Notfall! Sitzgurte öffnen! Schwimmweste anziehen! Raus! Dichter Rauch quillt in die Kabine. Es bleibt keine Zeit zum Überlegen. Im diesjährigen Crossing Europe Trailer begleitet Leni Gruber TeilnehmerInnen eines Flugsicherheitstrainings und zeigt in dokumentarischen Aufnahmen eine simulierte Bruchlandung. Proben für den Ernstfall.

Brace for impact! The commands from the flights attendants are insistent and cannot be misunderstood. Emer-gency! Open your safety belts! Put on your life vests! Out! Thick fog seeps into the cabin. There is no time left to think. In this year’s Crossing Europe trailer, Leni Gruber accompanies participants in a flight safety training and shows a simu-lated crash landing in documentary foot-age. Rehearsal for the emergency.

Director's Biography
Leni Gruber
Leni Gruber (*1991) is a two-time award winner at Crossing Europe. She studies screen writing and dramaturgy as well as production at the Film Academy Vienna. Next to her own work as a director and screen writer, she has also been successful as a producer, e.g. of the internationally acclaimed documentary “Sand und Blut” (“Sand and Blood”, 2017) by Matthias Krepp and Angelika Spangel.

Film Selection: Brace for Impact (2019, short, CE’19) - Schneemann (2018, short, CE’18) - It Is No Dream (2015, short) - Wösside – Wös Rap Rec (2015, short, CE’16)
Local Artists · Festivaltrailer 2019
Leni Gruber
Österreich 2019
1 Minuten
Kamera Angelika Spangel