Tomka dhe shokët e tij

Tomka and His Friends

Eine Knabengruppe plant Rache, nachdem die Nazi-Besatzer ihren Fußballplatz in ein Militärlager umfunktioniert haben. Zur Unterstützung lokaler kommunistischer Partisanen spionieren und sabotieren die Kinder äußerst effizient, vergiften sogar den geliebten Schäferhund des Lagers. Keko und ihr Kameramann Faruk Basha lassen die an Suspense reiche Geschichte in Albaniens malerischer Festungsstadt Berat spielen. Tomka dhe shokët e tij, in Albanien ein immens beliebter Fernsehklassiker, erlebte erst dreißig Jahre nach der Uraufführung seine Kinopremiere in Großbritannien.

A group of young boys plot revenge on the Nazi occupiers after their soccer field is turned into a German military camp. Aiding local communist partisans, the industrious children, spy, sabotage and even poison the camps pet German shepherd. Keko and cinematographer Faruk Basha suspensefully frame the story in Albania’s charged atmospheric fortress city of Berat. An immensely popular staple of Albanian television, Tomka and His Friends received a UK theatrical release thirty years after its national premiere.

Director's Biography
Xhanfise Keko
Albanian director Xhanfise Keko (1928-2007) utilized the children’s film genre to express personal concerns not found in the work of her male contemporaries. In the 1950s, Keko studied documentary filmmaking in Moscow. She then spent a decade shooting and cutting newsreels of military parades and communist party conferences. From 1971 to 1984, Keko directed a remarkable run of nearly a dozen features.

Film Selection: Taulanti kërkon një motër (1985) - Një vonesë e vogël (1983) - Kur po xhirohej një film (When Shooting a Film, 1981) - Partizani i vogël Velo (1980) - Tomka dhe shokët e tij (Tomka and His Friends, 1977) - Malësorët pas komisarëve (1976, doc) - Tingujt e luftës (1976) - Qyteti më i ri në botë (The Newest City in the World, 1974) - Mimoza llastica (Spoiled Mimoza, 1973)
Spotlight 2019
Xhanfise Keko
Albanien 1977
black and white
74 Minuten
Drehbuch Nasho Jorgaqi
Kamera Faruk Basha
Schnitt Shpresa Papapavllo
Ton/Sounddesign Vangjel Leka
Musik Aleksandër Lalo
Mit Enea Zhegu, Herion Mustafaraj, Genci Mosho, Artan Puto, Fluranc Ilia, Selma Sotillari, Zehrudin Dokle, Xhelal Tafaj
Produzent*innen Nikollaq Taja
Kinostudio Shqiperia e re
Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror I Filmit
Albania 1977
Weltpremiere / World Premiere
Albanien 1977

Premierenstatus / Premiere Status
Austrian Premiere