Sylvana, Demon or Diva

Seit die ehemalige TV-Moderatorin Sylvana Simons lautstark ihre Stimme gegen Rassismus erhoben und die politische Arena in den Niederlanden betreten hat, ist die Schwarze Frau mit Feindseligkeiten aus Teilen der Bevölkerung konfrontiert. Der Film begleitet die Spitzenkandidatin der von ihr gegründeten Partei BIJ1 („Zusammen“) in den Monaten vor Amsterdamer Lokalwahlen. Mit ihrer direkten Art, für eine gerechtere Gesellschaft zu kämpfen, provoziert Simons immer wieder extreme Reaktionen. Trotz ihres kämpferischen Auftretens in der Öffentlichkeit und bei TV-Debatten hinterlassen die Angriffe ihrer GegnerInnen Spuren.

When former TV personality Sylvana Simons enters the Dutch political arena, it is tougher than she ever expected. She used to host music shows on Dutch TV, but now she’s the figurehead of the political party BIJ1 ("Together"). As a woman of color, she knows how it feels to be treated as a minority. Her outspoken style in fighting for a world in which everyone has equal rights sometimes provokes extreme reactions. We follow her in the months leading up to the local elections. During TV debates, we see Simons standing up for her opinions, but when she’s at home, she shows her vulnerable side. What if she fails to win a seat on the city council? (IDFA)

Director's Biography
Ingeborg Jansen
Ingeborg Jansen was born in Amsterdam in 1965, studied theatre and film at the University of Amsterdam and documentary film and editing at the Dutch Film and TV Academy. Her short film "1 for the Boys, 10 for the Girls" (2001) won the Prize of the Children's Short Film Competition at Oberhausen International Short Film Festival. "Sylvana, Demon or Diva" is her latest film.

Film Selection: Sylvana, Demon or Diva (2018, doc) - A Greek Winter (2016, doc) - Kinderen met kopzorgen (Troubled Children, 2013, doc) - Bijna 18 (2012, doc) - In the Shadow of a Mosque (2008, TV doc) - 1 for the Boys, 10 for the Girls (2001, doc short)
European Panorama Documentary 2019
Ingeborg Jansen
Niederlande 2018
90 Minuten
Kamera Rogier Timmermans, Joost van Herwijnen, Victor Horstink, Diderik Evers
Schnitt Patrick Janssens
Ton/Sounddesign David Spaans, Susanne Helmer
Mit Sylvana Simons
Produzent*innen PRODUCER Eric Velthuis
IDFA 2018
Weltpremiere / World Premiere
IDFA 2018

Premierenstatus / Premiere Status
Austrian Premiere