Jij bent mijn vriend

You Are My Friend

Der erste Schultag ist immer aufregend, und ganz besonders für den sechsjährigen Branche. Er ist mit seinen Eltern aus Mazedonien in die Niederlande gekommen, er kennt niemanden an der Schule und niemand kann Mazedonisch. Branche ist in einer speziellen Klasse für Kinder, die Holländisch erst lernen, die selbe Klasse, die schon in Petra Lataster-Czischs und Peter Latasters Film De kinderen van juf Kiet vorkam. In Jij bent mijn vriend gelingt den beiden erneut ein herzerwärmender Film in ihrem charakteristischen, observierenden Stil, mit geduldiger Kamera auf Kinderaugenhöhe. (IDFA)

The first day at a new school is always nerve-racking, and all the more so for six-year-old Branche. He has come with his parents from Macedonia to the Netherlands, he doesn’t know anyone at the school, and nobody understands Macedonian. Branche is in a special class for children who are still learning Dutch - the same class that previously featured in Petra Lataster-Czisch's and Peter Lataster's film Miss Kiet’s Children. In You Are My Friend, they again deliver a heartwarming film in their characteristic observational style, with the patient camera always at the child’s eye level. (IDFA)

Director's Biography
Petra Lataster-Czisch and Peter Lataster
Petra Lataster-Czisch was born in Dessau, Germany, in 1954, and grew up in East Germany. She studied script writing and film sciences. In 1981 she moved to the Netherlands. Together with her partner, Peter Lataster (born 1955 in Amsterdam), she has been directing documentaries, shorts and dance films since 1989. Many of their works have been awarded, nationally and internationally.

Film Selection: Jij bent mijn vriend (You Are My Friend, 2018, doc) - De kinderen van juf Kiet (Miss Kiet's Children, 2016, doc, CE'17) - De Nood Aan Dansen (The Need To Dance, 2014, doc) - Wakker in een boze droom (Awake In A Bad Dream, 2013, doc)
European Panorama Documentary 2019
Petra Lataster-Czisch, Peter Lataster
Niederlande 2018
77 Minuten
Niederländisch / Arabisch / Mazedonisch
Kamera Peter Lataster
Schnitt Mario Steenbergen
Ton/Sounddesign Gertjan Miedema
Produzent*innen Peter Lataster
L&F Productions
NPO Sales
IDFA 2018
Weltpremiere / World Premiere 
IDFA 2018

Premierenstatus / Premiere Status
Austrian Premiere