Sonja i bik

Sonja and the Bull

Sonja ist überzeugte Vegetarierin, Tierrechts-Aktivistin und entschlossene Gegnerin des Stierkampf-Gesetzes in Kroatien. Während der Fernsehübertragung eines Stierkampfs beschuldigt sie die Besitzer der Tiere als herzlos und brutal, doch diese verstehen genauso wenig Sonjas Einstellung wie die Zuschauer vor Ort und die Menschen zu Hause vor dem Bildschirm. Der Streit zwischen beiden Parteien mündet schließlich in einer Wette, dass sich Sonja niemals näher als drei Meter an den Stier herantrauen werde. Stipe, der Besitzer eines Stiers, pokert hoch und platziert einen bizarren Wetteinsatz: seine Hoden …

The most controversial part of Croatia's Animal Protection Act is the section that regulates bullfighting. Sonja, a city girl from Zagreb, a sworn vegetarian and animal rights activist, claims that bullfighting is unnecessarily violent and she denounces the owners of the bulls as heartless. People living in the Dalmatian countryside simply cannot understand Sonja's attitude. The more Sonja criticises the bull owners, the less inclined they are to listen. Finally they conclude that no matter how passionately Sonja defends the rights of animals, she would not have the guts to come closer than three meters to Garonja the bull. Stipe, Garonja’s owner, is so sure she will not do it that he places a bizarre wager: his balls …

Director's Biography
VLATKA VORKAPIĆ graduated from the Academy of Dramatic Arts, majoring in television and film directing, and from the Faculty of Philosophy, double majoring in comparative literature and Czech language and literature, both in Zagreb. She directs and writes for television, theater and film. Vorkapić is the author of a number of television documentaries and series, more than thirty documentary films, and two short films. SONJA I BIK (Sonja and the Bull, 2012) is her first feature film. It was screened at the Pula Film Festival in 2012 where it won the Golden Arena for Best Script.
Special 2013
Vlatka Vorkapić
Kroatien 2012
102 Minuten
Drehbuch Vlatka Vorkapić, Elvis Bošnjak
Kamera Dragan Marković
Schnitt Marin Juranić
Mit Judita Franković, Goran Bogdan, Dejan Aćimović, Ivo Gregurević, Elvis Bošnjak, Barbara Prpić, Csilla Barath Bastaić, Vladimir Tintor
Inter film Nova Ves 45/2 (office) 10000 Zagreb Croatia T +385 1 4667 290 F +385 1 4667 022