Oslo, 31. August

Oslo, August 31st

Im Rahmen seines beinahe abgeschlossenen Drogenentzugs am Land darf Anders für ein Vorstellungsgespräch in die Stadt. Allerdings beschließt er etwas länger zu bleiben, um in Oslo herumzustreifen und alte Bekannte zu besuchen, die er schon lange nicht mehr gesehen hat. Anders ist 34, gut aussehend, intelligent und kommt aus einem intakten Elternhaus. Ihn quält aber der Gedanke, dass er in seinem Leben viele Chancen verpasst und einige Leute enttäuscht hat. Das Leben scheint für ihn schon am Ende, doch im Laufe der Zeit, die Anders in Oslo verbringt, keimt in ihm die Hoffnung auf, doch wieder Liebe, Hoffnung und ein neues Leben finden zu können.

Anders will soon complete his drug rehabilitation in the countryside. As part of the program, he is allowed to go into the city for a job interview. But he takes advantage of the leave and stays on in the city, drifting around, meeting people he hasn‘t seen in a long while. Thirty-four-year-old Anders is smart, handsome and from a good family, but deeply haunted by all the opportunities he has wasted, all the people he has let down. He is still relatively young, but feels his life in many ways is already over. For the remainder of the day and long into the night, the ghosts of past mistakes will wrestle with the chance of love, the possibility of a new life and the hope to see some future by morning

Director's Biography
Joachim Trier, born 1974 in Copenhagen, Denmark. After attending the European Film College in Denmark, he trained at the British National Film and Television School. He made his feature debut in 2006 with REPRISE, which in the same year received the Discovery Award at Toronto Film Festival and the Amanda Award for Best Film, Best Director and Best Screenplay. OSLO, AUGUST 31ST was shown in the Official Selection at Cannes 2011. // Films (Selected): PIETA (1999, short), STILL (2001, short), PROCTER (2002, short), REPRISE (2006; CE '07), OSLO, 31. AUGUST (Oslo, August 31st, 2011)
Competition Fiction 2012
Joachim Trier
Norwegen 2011
105 Minuten
Drehbuch Eskil Vogt, Joachim Trier
Kamera Jakob Ihre
Schnitt Olivier Bugge Coutté
Ton/Sounddesign Gisle Tveito
Musik Ola Fløttum, Torgny Amdam
Mit Anders Danielsen Lie, Malin Crépin, Aksel M. Thanke, Hans Olav Brenner, Ingrid Olava, Øystein Røger, Tone B. Mostraum, Kjærsti Odden Skjeldal, Petter Width Kristiansen, Emil Lund, Johanne Kjellevik Ledang, Renate Reinsve, Andreas Braaten, Anders Borchgrevink Borchgrevink
Motlys AS Sagveien 18 0459 Oslo Norway T +47 22 80 83 70 motlys@motlys.com www.motlys.com